Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test is shortly called as TNTET is introduced by Government of India to recruit teachers. This exam has been conducting since 2011 and is the entrance examination for hiring government teachers. The Exam is conducted by central government and state government in India.
The Exam is divided into Paper 1 and Paper 2. Where, Paper 1 exam (Primary Level) for class 1 to 5 teachers while paper 2 (Upper Primary Level) is for class 6 to 8 teachers.
TET Exam Eligibility
In order to contest the TET exam, candidates must fulfill the eligibility criteria. It includes several conditions such as educational qualification, age limit, percentage, etc. Candidates not meeting the prescribed eligibility for the TET exam shall be ineligible. Hence they must look at the eligibility criteria carefully and apply.
The eligibility criteria for Paper 1 and Paper 2 differ. The eligibility criteria for Paper 1 are for candidates who want to write the exam at the primary level, whereas the eligibility criteria for Paper 2 are for candidates who want to write the exam at the upper primary level. Check out the TET exam eligibility for primary and upper primary below.
TET Exam Pattern
The TET exam pattern elucidates the total questions, total marks, exam duration, and other key details. Candidates should be aware of the exam pattern in order to prioritize the subjects for preparation. The exam will be held for a total of 150 marks and the duration is 150 minutes. The information related to the Paper 1 and Paper 2 exam pattern is as follows.
TNTET Coaching Center In Krishnagiri
Kanchi Excellent TNPSC Coaching Centre is one of the Premier Coaching Centers in Krishnagiri. Our Coaching Center is one of the most sought after institutes mainly because of our exceptional services. We are glad to inform the Students that Kanchi Excellent TNPSC Coaching Centre is providing incredible Coaching for TNTET EXAMS. We have highly skilled, experienced and well-qualified faculties for all subject training. We offer high quality lessons taught by expert educators.